Friday, December 27, 2019

Your career is your heros journey 7 lessons from life

Your career is your heros journey 7 lessons from lifeYour career is your heros journey 7 lessons from lifeDoes life sometimes feel random? You are sitting in your office and remember like it welches yesterday playing with your friend in the schoolyard. While you may have children now, you remember being their age and going on your first date. You are at the seeming pinnacle of your career and in a year or two, youll retire. Whats it all for? you may ask.I have asked myself this question why I am here? countless times. And the answer I keep coming back to is very simple. It is to grow. To grow in my consciousness, which to me means, to grow in my capacity for love. Now, this may sound impractical and somewhat removed from day-to-day work life. As well explore here, it doesnt have to be. Work can be seen as one of the most important places to develop ourselves. We spend the majority of our waking lives there. So it is probably a good idea to use our time at work consciously. Otherwis e, at the end of our career, it indeed may feel like a bunch of random events that we moved through simply because we didnt know better.There is a different way. We can approach our career as a journey of growth, of continuing maturation toward wholeness, of developing our capacity for love to realize mora and more of our true selves and to contribute more and more from that authentic place. This is not a new idea. For example, Joseph Campbell, the mythologist, introduced us to the frame of seeing life as a Heros Journey, one in which we continuously learn new lessons that help us grow.What are these lessons that we get to learn in our work lives? I have studied my own life and that of thousands of other executives worldwide and I have noticed a few distinct categories of learning, that we go through and may revisit multiple times during our careers. I think of them as lessons we get to learn over and over again to refine our capacity for love in these areas. Each of the lessons or iginates from a basic need. We learn through how we respond to and grow through our basic needs. I have sketched out a summary below.The heros journey at work 7 lessons from lifeNeed7 Lessons from Life1. Safety1. Samurai. Developing the warriorlike courage and fortitude to take care of my basic needs, and face my challenges resourcefully without being overwhelmed by them2. Relationship2. Uniting. Creating authentic, empathetic relationships that welcome everyone and go beyond tribal us-vs.-them dynamics setting healthy boundaries learning to let go3. Self-esteem3. Centered in purpose. Learning to connect with my inner compass, learning to pursue my goals wholeheartedly and with focus, and seeing every failure as part of moving forward4. Discovery4. Curious. Opening my heart to lifes teachings the whispers no matter what, and seeing every moment as an opportunity for discovery, bigger einbildung and being innovative learning to love myself and others5. Contribution5. Extending Cont ribution. Expressing my gift to others unapologetically and caringly 6. Cohesion6. Sensing. Using intuition, looking for the connection between everything and everyone, integrating the seeing polarities in life, creating cohesion7. Wisdom Compassion7. Simple. Seeing what is needed and doing it, letting go of all ego personas, simply being and contributing who I am.Source built on Abraham Maslows Hierarchy of Needs and Richard Barretts Seven Levels of Consciousness.Ive organized the lessons with the acronym SUCCESS Samurai, Uniting, Centered, Curious, Extending, Sensing and Simple, to make them easier to bring to mind. In our heros journey, we prioritize inner success over outer success. We keep coming back to the discovery of our true selves and sharing that with others, rather than attaching ourselves to and getting identified with external accomplishments, which are always fleeting.How are the lessons of the Hero practical for you today? Consider whats going on at work right now. Which of these seven lessons are you currently learning? And which ones are trying to get your attention that you may be avoiding? And, how can you see your current challenges from a larger perspective, when you consider what this challenge may be trying to teach you? In Mandarin, the du sagst es crisis is translated into two words, wei and chi, which mean danger and opportunity. How is your current challenge, your current upset, a setup for you to learn more about lifes 7 lessons?Maybe you are feeling overwhelmed at work, stressed out and thinking you have too much to do. How can this be a setup for your growth? Consider Lessons 1 (Samurai) and 3 (Centered). How much energy do you spend on worry? What would happen if you were able to let go of some of your worries? Then how much energy would you free up to focus on what you need to do? And what is your true purpose at work? What activities can you purposefully prioritize, and which ones are off-purpose and do you need to let go of ?Or it could be that you are feeling restless. Maybe its time to ask yourself some Lesson 3 (Centered in Purpose) and 5 (Extending Contribution) questions. What do you really enjoy doing? How can you bring more of what you love to your work life? And what is your gift that your community cannot afford to lose? What is the impact you wish to make in the world?Possibly you are managing a team and you are noticing some areas of tension in the group. What would happen if you put some focused attention on Lessons 2 (Uniting) and 6 (Sensing) and explore how you can have an honest and respectful conversation with your teammates about the dynamics of the group? How can you create a space where real disagreement can be held with non-judgmental acceptance and fascination?Maybe you feel your organization is stagnating, not renewing itself quickly enough. It may be time to consider Lessons 4 (Curious) and 7 (Simple). What weaker or stronger signals in the market have you been ignoring? What ego -preservation strategies have gotten in the way of your organization adapting itself? How do you need to selectively let go of the past to make space for a new future?ur career provides us opportunities for inner maturation every day. What helps us progress on our Heros Journey is our conscious decision to approach every moment as an opportunity for self-discovery, rather than ignoring what life is trying to teach us, missing class so to speak.See what happens when you approach this moment with a Heros Journey perspective, asking, which lessons might I and my organization be called to learn now? Notice your energy as you spend some time with this question, which is simply put how am I growing?With this question may come some resistance and, also possibly, some inspiration and openness. Like the rest of nature, we are innately wired to both survive and evolve. Our need for survival may have us resist learning today. It may not feel safe yet to try something new. However, when we cons ciously put our attention on self-discovery, we may become aware of a silent flow of energy in ourselves, that nudges us to keep learning no matter what, like the sun nudges the flower to open. This energy of growth can feel like love itself energizing, nourishing, expanding, enlightening. As we grow, we may experience this energy of love, of life, that nudges us to open and grow, like a lovingly patient and sometimes lovingly fierce parent. And as we learn, we learn more and more to become one with lifes energy, the energy of love, lovingly learning to take care of the needs we are presented with.What if our lifes journey is all about love, to learn to love ourselves, others and every other thing we come in contact with, unconditionally? Take a moment to look and appreciate how far youve come in your Heros Journey. Its the one movie in which you are always the main character. What will you learn in the next scene of your life?Once you realize that the road is the goal and that you are always on the road, not to reach the goal, but to enjoy its beauty and wisdom, life ceases to be a task and become natural and simple in itself an ecstasy. Nisargadatta MaharajHylke Faber serves as a leadership coach and facilitator and leads the coaching organizations, Constancee and the Growth Leaders Network. His first book, Taming Your Crocodiles Unlearn Fear Become a True Leader, was released in May 2018 and was soon selected as one of Bloombergs 10 Best Books on Leadership in 2018. Through his ongoing collaboration between Constancee and Columbia Business School Executive Education, Taming Your Crocodiles has become the curriculum cornerstone for Hylkes sought-after online learning series, Leader as Coach.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Functional Resume Format vs Chronological Resume Format

Functional Resume Format vs Chronological Resume FormatFunctional Resume Format vs Chronological Resume FormatForget what youve been told about chronological resumes.Its easy to find advice on how to format resumesjust Google proper resume format.Just because its easy to find doesnt make such advice correct or up to date, however.One example that crops up in many resume advice sites and gets passed along by well-meaning friends, family members and colleagues is to use a reverse-chronological format, i.e. the most-recent jobs listed first, instead of a functional resume structure, which describes your skills and experience without necessarily linking those elements to dates or even employers.Which one is right? Both and neither, said Steve Burdan, a certified professional resume writer who works with Ladders. The most effective resume is a kreuzung that combines both functional and chronological information, with a summary section that outlines career highlights and key qualities and accomplishments, and a chronological section that puts those elements into context in well supported blurbs for each job title that not only state where you worked and when but also the nature of your top achievements and details of your job responsibilities.Burdan recently used the hybrid approach to overhaul the resume of a sales professional. The salespersons original resume used only the functional approach, which Burdan called the least effective format.The first thing I knew when I looked at the original version of his resume, I saw it and said Man, we got to melt it down and recast it, so to speak, he said. The primary drawback of the functional resume is it takes all these neat accomplishments out of chronological sequence. You dont know if the guy did something last week or 20 weeks ago.The Hybrid modelBut a chronological resume doesnt stand alone, Burdan said.While a reverse-chronological resume clearly presents how recently in your career you accomplished a given achievem ent, it doesnt necessarily focus the readers attention on the job seekers strengths.Burdan compares the job search to online dating, and he extends the metaphor to liken the hybrid resume to a well-positioned suitor in a speed-dating scene.You really want to put your best foot forward, he said. In speed dating, you have 3 minutes to make that chemical connection. Its the same with your resume At the beginning of the resume, you insert a strong profile and areas of expertise section. The job seeker in question didnt have that on his old resume. With the new hybrid resume, right at the beginning of the resume, Im focusing the readers attention immediately on what hes capable of doing. I wanted to make a big splash right up front.In a hybrid resume, build up separate sections that cover both chronological information and functional information.With the sales professionals resume, Burdan first built a branding statement area to encapsulate exactly what an employer would get were it to h ire the candidate. The title of the revamped resume reads Management - Business Development, followed by a profile that begins Entrepreneurial leadership experience in new geschftlicher umgang development, territory management, branding strategies and industry networking initiatives in consumer-oriented and start-up business environments.This branding section should also include a bulleted list with such items as Profitably develop and implement successful business plans and high-impact product launches with a creative, visionary approach ensure delivery of high-growth revenue results.The hybrid resume then lists Areas of Expertise in its own section that includes such keywords as Strategic Planning, Relationship Building and Performance Metrics. Finally, the hybrid format details the job seekers employment history in reverse-chronological order, with achievements highlighted in bulleted lists preceded by job-function descriptions in brief paragraphs.In all the sections each senten ce and key phrase are like nails in a strong building, Burdan said. Im nailing home what I want the reader to understand about what a job seeker is capable of doing.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

The Anatomy of a Background Check

The Anatomy of a hintergrund CheckThe Anatomy of a Background CheckPrivate investigators and former government agents share trade secrets about how they conduct employment background checks for hiring companies.The questions fruchtwein job seekers want answered about background checks are when theyll be subject to one and what it will turn up.Depending on the amount of effort and money a company is willing to spend, a background investigation of even a few days can turn up every place youve ever lived, every company for which youve worked and the gaps in your resume you tried to hide by fudging dates.It will also turn up exaggerations or lies about your education or work history a poor leistungspunkt history any lawsuits filed against you or those youve filed against others and any sanctions or charges brought by any federal, regulatory or licensing agency, including state Bar Associations and the Securities and Exchange Commission, said Thomas G. Martin, a former agent for the Dept. of Justice, now president of Martin Investigative Services, Newport Beach, Calif., and author of Investigator Confidential.A comprehensive search like that takes a lot of legwork and subscriptions to a variety of criminal, civil and demographic databases. However, what that research doesnt turn up, a little chat will.Weve taught interview and interrogation to the Dept. of Justice and all over the world, Martin said. A company will fly us in, and we can interrogate somebody and I will guarantee, knowing what questions to ask, how to ask and when to ask them, we will come out knowing everything there is to know about that person. Usually it takes an hour or less, he said.Checking out executive-level hires is part of routine due diligence for most companies, many of which are concerned about white-collar crime, risk of fraud, a history of sexual harassment or other unethical or troublesome behavior, said Robert E. Capwell, chief knowledge officer at Employment Background Investigation s Inc. of Owings Mills, Md.Identity check Who are you?For many job seekers the background check starts with the basics - an identity check. Most companies will run a check on your social security number, drivers license, dates of birth and aliases or maiden names that may vary from birth certificates, to verify that you are who you say you are. From a hiring managers perspective your identity is not a given.There is a lot of identity theft out there, and not just for credit cards, Capwell said. There have been instances where someone tried to get a job using someone elses identity. If youre looking for a CFO, someone who has fiduciary responsibility or check-writing authority, youd like to know its the person you were talking about.What will they find?The most common employment background checks are a search of public-records databases, like criminal history, credit reports, civil suits and driving records, said Jo Prabhu, founder and CEO of placement firm of Long Beach, Calif., and an expert on using background checks in hiring. Prabu, who sometimes puts in 200 to 300 requests for background checks in a single week, says an average cost to the hiring company ranges between $150 and $180.For that money a hiring manager can get reasonably good confirmation that candidates are who they say they are and get a decent picture of their backgrounds, said Les Rosen, former California deputy district attorney president of Employment Screening Resources of Novato, Calif. and founding member of the National Association of Professional Background Screeners.Many, though not nearly all, states sell databases with criminal convictions, driving records, civil court-case results and other legal entanglements, and a qualified background-search company will buy or subscribe to all that are relevant. It will also pay people to search in person at county courthouses all over the country for records that are not yet computerized, calling past employers to verify d ates of employment and job titles, calling colleges or universities to confirm any degrees a candidate claims as well, he said.Not that big a risk, Martin believes. The quality of the background check depends on the quality of the investigation company and its ability to bridge gaps in the digital record.If someone tells you they can do a nationwide computer search and come up with a good result, theyre talking out their ****. A nationwide criminal-records search does not exist, Martin said. In California, which is one of the states where its easier to get the information, there are 58 counties and only about 15 are all online. If you did a mass murder in Curran County, an employer is not going to find out about it.Even on some of the good databases, nationwide means every three or four states, and even those are not complete. You have to go to every county the person lived and check the courts in person. Martin said.For the most senior positions and the most costly background check s, some companies go even further. They will hire freelance investigators or contract researchers in most counties to check for records. Others will even contact and interview former colleagues, managers, even neighbors, investigators said.What they wont findDont be too eager to disclose too much, though, Capwell said. If theres a state law limiting employers to background criminal searches of seven years, dont volunteer things that happened eight years ago. Prabhus standard search goes back 14 years, and its possible to go much farther back than that.And its becoming easier to find out where a person lived by renting data from the U.S. Postal Service, magazine subscription companies, and other commercial databases that, using your name, Social Security Number or other data, can pinpoint every place youve lived and property youve owned, Martin said.But employers cant find out everything, and theyre not completely free to use everything they do find, Prabhu said.The federal ritterlic h Credit Reporting Act forbids companies from contracting out a background check without the written approval of the person being investigated, for example, she said.Candidates have a right to see any background check report that comes back and to have a chance to correct any errors on it before any hiring decision is made, Rosen said. They also have the right to demand a re-investigation to verify facts that are in dispute.The pendulum has swung back pretty far in favor of the applicant, Rosen said. But thats only true for outside companies. HR is allowed to do the investigation internally without permission, and there arent any real controls on people on the Internet.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Resume Phrase - the Story

Resume Phrase - the Story The Ultimate Resume Phrase Trick The info in your resume should paint an image of the sort of employee you are and show employers what youre capable of accomplishing. So obviously, the particular details of your resume will differ based on your target job, your degree of experience and certifications, and your long-term career objectives. Providing specific examples may make it possible for a prospective employer to relate the applicants work experience to possible small business needs inside their company, Stetson states. Make certain you mention that you would be pleased to help them with any searches they are conducting. Resumes may be used for a number of reasons, but most often theyre utilised to secure new employment. Formats of resumes have developed. If youve got minimal work experience, you will need to highlight different characteristics of your job responsibilities to appeal to every individual hiring manager. When a recruiter reviews your resume, we would like to realize that you will take action if youre hired for the job. Every hiring manager would like to employ somebody who will take initiative. For example, a hiring manager for a construction company might be more interested in how much you are able to lift, how reliable youre, and whether it is possible for you to learn new skills quickly. Youll likely soon discover there are key terms and phrases that youve overlooked before. Put simply, youve got to tell Harry a story Since the start of time, humans have enjoyed stories. Some people would rather put their name for a header in a bold, dark font. More precise words may also add some formality to your actions, she states. Inside her opinion, its bedrngnis essential to have a resume and cover letter along with you whenever you are choosing an interview. You get the previous word, needless to say, but you should be confident that more than one other person agrees that youve presented yourself in the best w ay possible on paper. Consider your demands and see the explanations below to opt for the best resume format for you. The best resume you have is one which is easy to read and simple to scan by recruiters, states Bird. Heres What I Know About Resume Phrase Employers and recruiters will have the ability to rapidly understand your career progression. Resumes might be organized in various ways. Nobody cares about your career goals at this time. Committed Show that youre devoted to your work, begin to finish. Numbers also enable you to showcase your achievements and abilities that others might not have. In reality, a few people are even better. Theres always the risk that if you put competitive running on your resume that the man reading your resume is a marathoner and offers you an interview for this reason. The word doesnt say much in regards to the quality of your experience in your area. Some folks wish to place their education up top. Many employers appreciate the skill s required to run a house and care for kids, but some will not see the myriad responsibilities needed to remain at home with children. The reason being that recruiters wish to understand which skills youve been using most recently. In a try to check each of the boxes, lawyers often neglect to have a step back and really guarantee that their resumes are accurate snapshots of their practice.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

How to Write Terrific Job Descriptions - Spark Hire

How to Write Terrific Job Descriptions - Spark HireAs an HR professional, among your list of responsibilities is the requirement to write enticing job descriptions to attract the very best candidates. The art of putting together such descriptions easily learned with a few steps. Heres how to do itUnderstand your audienceIn order to put together a job description that will attract the attention of the very best individuals, you must understand what they are looking for. So, set about doing this by looking at what other companies hiring for similar roles do and even talking to potential candidates to get to know what boxes they want to see ticked when they are looking at a job description. What do they want to see, and what do they notlage want to see? That is often just as important Dont reinvent the wheel but instead seek to improve upon job descriptions that already exist.Be precise and conciseTake into account feedback from potential candidates, but often you will discover they are turned off by lengthy job descriptions which do not actually give the desired information. Instead of getting to the point quickly, many job descriptions try to say an awful lot, but dont do it very well at all.Candidates are likely perusing a lot of positions/jobs, so what stands out about yours? Not only should it be unique, you should say what you want to say quickly and accurately. That will catch the eye of the candidates you are looking for, advises Michael Sanderson, an HR professional at Revieweal and Australianreviewer.Get some helpNot all of us have a set of skills directly aligned for this task, and as an HR professional, writing skills may not be one of the talents that you have had to develop before. So how do you set about it?Remember that there are countless online services which assist in everything from layout to editing to proofreading and beyond. Here are some examplesBestbritishessayscan assist with those all-important editing tasks, ensuring you cut what you do nt need and keep what is essentialLikewise, Simplegradwill assist in editing activities but will then help you in proofreading to ensure your copy is free of errors and reads well.Write My Paper will also provide invaluable assistance in presentation, layout, editing and proofreading, giving you all-rounded help in the task at hand.Get feedbackOnce you have developed a job description that you believe fits the bill, now is the time to get some important feedback. Run a test with a couple of ads to see what kind of response you get, and engage with other professionals to see what they advise in terms of improvements that can be made. Going at this alone will not lead to the best results, as putting together a great job description involves the buy-in of colleagues in a few different areas. Which brings us to..Make it a collaborative effortBe aware that it is unlikely you can do this perfectly alone. Indeed, you shouldnt even have to, because the result will be infinitely better if th is becomes a group effort with professionals with different backgrounds bringing their expertise to the table.It is doubtful that you will get this right the first time round because it is a trial-and-error process. Experts will not necessarily be the best job description writers as they might get bogged down in the technical aspects, while HR and marketing experts might lack some of those exact details. So it should be a group effort, involving feedback from all, suggests Tom Baldock, an HR at UKTopWriters and UKServicesReviews.Use analyticsDepending on what platform you use to advertise, it is likely that there will be analytics available to see what the response is to your job description. Use behauptung insights to tweak as necessary, and remember that standards are always changing, so never consider this job totally finished. Job descriptions will evolve just as the industry does, so stay on the ball and keep track of developments. Make sure that you use the key buzzwords that are hot in your industry right now (once again engaging a professional to assist you here will be key) and then keep your finger on the pulse and make changes as necessary.ConclusionWriting terrific job descriptions will be an ongoing process, and dont expect perfection straightway. Get the necessary help, as well as vital feedback, and see this as an ongoing process in which you pay close attention to changing trends.About the AuthorHR professional Aimee Laurence can be found offering her expert insights at Paper Fellows and Writing PhD thesis, where she writes about how to build a career in the profession. She also tutors on the Uni assignment service platform.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Foolproof How to List Education on Resume Strategy

The Foolproof How to List Education on Resume Strategy Imagine youre an employer and the very first thing you see in someones resume when theyre asking for an entry-level marketing and advertising associate position is their summer job for a bodyguard at their community town pool. To put it differently, the choice to never interview you might bedrngnis be the hiring committee s decision. The very first step towards obtaining a job is to construct an effective resume. If your resume is shortlisted because its relevant, theres a better chance of your getting the job. There are a few professions like finance or healthcare where specific certifications or degrees are necessary to getting the job. So, no matter your position or situation, you must always consist of education on your resume. Obviously, a degree can be a really useful asset, but the experience here has a greater value. Whenever your degree doesnt support your work target and youre competing against individuals with industry-supporting degrees, look at listing only the degree and eliminating the major. Just consider it your very first step in convincing employers that youve got the qualifications they require. Its therefore particularly helpful for entry to mid level applicants appearing to resume their careers. Since you always ought to tailor your resume to every job program, only list the accomplishments relevant for a particular position. A typical college application doesnt always enable a student room to highlight all her or his accomplishments and experience. If you locate the job of creating your resume, stressful, time consuming, or in case you dont know the best places to begin, its a prudent investment to employ an expert. So if youre a software developer, its not sufficient that you mention youre a developer. You may use a on-line search engine to locate free of charge on-line presentations of skills. Occasionally it is worth it to include non-work associated accomplishments on your application document. For instance, an online marketer might easily add a search engine promoting certification to their resume, but it isnt obligatory. There are a lot of parts of advice and assorted rules floating online about the resume writing techniques it can be confusing. Our expert guidelines are targeted at facilitating the practice of reading and understanding the info regarding your education to hiring managers so that they are easily able to locate the relevant details that matter to them. If you obey the unwritten guidelines and list your qualification in a suitable manner on your resume, its guaranteed to create a positive effect on the interviewers. To additional camouflage any deficiency of education, be sure to use more than two key category headings in the remainder of your resume, such as Objective and Professional Experience, so think about including a third category, like a Skills, Affiliations, or Endorsements section. If you know a prospective emplo yer will want to realize that you have the appropriate credentials before considering your other experience, place your education at the how of the webpage just below your contact info and skilled summary. If you know a possible employer will want to realize that you have the correct credentials before put put other experience, how order education on top of the webpage just below your contact info and expert summary. If you know a possible employer will want to realize that you have the appropriate credentials before considering your other experience, place your education near the top of the webpage just below your contact info and skilled summary. How to List Education on Resume Explained Youre able to take action to raise the section with certifications or other expert development achievements. Figuring out how to take care of any incomplete education is a little tricky, but in the majority of scenarios, youll still wish to include it. You should consist of education even wh en youre only partway finished with that. The education section isnt an exception. Its essential to understand how to list your education on a resume at each stage. Education is among a couple of key associate employers search for on resumes. Also, for those who have an education in a different field, you can demonstrate that you took courses related to your professional field too.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How to Get Promoted When You Have Awesome Co-workers -The Muse

How to Get Promoted When You Have Awesome Co-workers -The MuseHow to Get Promoted When You Have Awesome Co-workers Dear HR Professional,How can I stand out for promotions when all of my colleagues are talented, successful, and at the same point in their careers as me?Signed,Afraid of Being OvershadowedDear Afraid of Being Overshadowed,Kudos to you for taking charge of your career One way to ensure you stand out is to seek out opportunities and projects outside of your job description. Usually a promotions warranted when someone is exceeding what is expected in his or her position. So, if youre knocking it out of the park with your normal responsibilities and youre able to own a new project or tackle a different challenge, youre going to prove that youre a more valuable investment for the company than your peers who might have similar backgrounds and experiences as you. Additionally, companies today crave innovative and creative employees who add value to the organization beyond just the bare minimum. If you dont have any ideas about what could be done better right now, take a look at pain points within your department and think of ways that you could personally work to improve or alleviate them. Trust me, its better for everyone if youre able to say, This sucks but I can make it better, than to point a finger and dump more work on someone else within the company.When youre thinking about a promotion, its important to make sure you keep open lines of communication with your boss about your ambitions- early and often. You should be up-front with your manager that youd like to be considered for a promotion sooner rather than later. If the first time you are bringing up your desire to be promoted is during your annual performance review, it might be too late Remember that your manager will have to coordinate with HR and consider your departments budget, at minimum, before making any decisions. So, the earlier you plant that seed and get on the same page about your career development, the better off youll be.You may not think of it this way, but having such stellar teammates can actually be a benefit to you in your quest for a promotion. Youve probably heard that youre a reflection of who you spend the fruchtwein time with, and that definitely rings true in the workplace as well. When youre able to stand out against other talented and successful individuals, youre going to put yourself in a far better place in your career than if you were outperforming a group of slackers (which is, of course, a much easier feat). When the bar is set much higher, youll aim to achieve more. Getting noticed for a promotion can always be tough- especially when your colleagues are equally as awesome and qualified as you. Fortunately, if youre willing to take initiative and openly communicate with your manager, youll have a much better chance of standing out at work. This article is part of our Ask an Expert series- a column dedicated to helping you tackle your big gest career concerns. Our experts are excited to answer all of your burning questions, and you can submit one by emailing us at editor(at)themuse(dot)com and using Ask an Honest HR Professional in the subject line.Your letter may be published in an article on The Muse. All letters to Ask an Expert become the property of Daily Muse, Inc and will be edited for length, clarity, and grammatical correctness.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

15 phone interview tips to get you to the next round

15 phone vorstellungsgesprch tips to get you to the next round15 phone bewerbungsinterview tips to get you to the next roundShow me a person who likes phone interviews, and Ill Venmo you a $20.Okay, not really (I dont know yur account name, so how could I?). But the point is theres nothing easy about getting on a call where you cant see the other persons facial expressions or physical cues, then trying to remind yourself to talk slowly, all while worrying about background noises - I could go on. Unfortunately, phone interviewing is also where every job opportunity starts. So, how do you make them easier?Here are the best phone interview tips Ive collected from professional recruiters and, of course, the internet.PHONE bewerbungsgesprch TIP 1 UNDERSTAND WHOS CALLINGAs soon as you hear from the person who will conduct your phone interview, do a quick LinkedIn search to figure out what their role is at the company. Most often, its going to be a member of the recruiting team, which mean s it wont be your potential boss or the hiring manager.What that means Theyre going to want to ask you basic questions about your work history and tell you more about what the punkt entails. So, as you prepare your answers to potential job interview questions, youll likely avoid the more difficult interview questions that might come up in phase 2.Some Phone Interview Questions You Might GetTell me a little bit about your work history.Why are you looking to leave your current company?What is the biggest challenge you have seen at your current position and how did you overcome it?Describe a substantial win at your belastung position.What was your favorite/least favorite element of your last position?How can you contribute to our companys success?How well do you work by yourself, with a team?Why are you interested in coming to work for us?Why are you attracted to this specific position?What makes you the ideal candidate for this position?When can you come in for an in-person interview? (If youre applying to a job in another city) Are you willing to relocate? If we dont provide relocation assistance, are you still willing?What are your salary requirements?How far along are you in your search? Are you speaking to other companies?Tell me about x in your resumeWhere do you see yourself in five years?What questions do you have for me?This last question is arguably the most important question. Make sure to come prepared with knowledge of the company and a few thoughtful questions.PHONE INTERVIEW TIP 2 WRITE BACK ABOUT SCHEDULING ASAP AND SPELLCHECKWhile its the phone prescreen that matters most, you still need to make a great impression in your email responding to the phone interview request. Make sure your reply is pristine and straightforward and that you get back in the same day, preferably within an hour or two. Also, double-check that the time you select is one that works with your schedule. (Weve all double-booked before, especially when nervous.) And say thank y ouPHONE INTERVIEW TIP 3 GO BACK TO THE JOB DESCRIPTIONOnce you know youre a potential candidate, pull the original job description up and read it carefully. Look for keywords that keep popping up and the clear skills theyre after. behauptung are the elements you should try to touch on when you talk to your interviewer. We recommend even jotting them down on scratch paper as you read. It will help your memory.Bonus Tip By the way, this is a good time to suggest that you start saving all the links to job descriptions youve applied for in an Excel file so you can keep track of them. This is a great shortcut for situations like these, but its also a smart approach to the job search process. You can set up columns for things like Date to Follow Up and Next Steps.PHONE INTERVIEW TIP 4 RESEARCH THE COMPANY ON LINKEDIN AND VIA THE COMPANY SITESo that you have a great answer to the potential question, Why are you interested in coming to work for us?PHONE INTERVIEW TIP 5 PREPARE YOUR SALARY R EQUIREMENTSYou should have a $5,000 range in mind. Prepare for it by researching via The Salary Project or one of the other great salary research tools out there. And keep it simple when asked. Just say, Im looking to make between $70,000 and $75,000.PHONE INTERVIEW TIP 6 PLAN ON BEING SOMEWHERE QUIETThat does not mean your car. Ideally, its not in an office next to a construction site either. Book a meeting room at work or make sure your dogs out with the dog walker while youre on the phone. Just keep it as mellow as possible.PHONE INTERVIEW TIP 7 USE HEADPHONESPlugging in headphones helps cut down on background noise and will help the interviewer hear you better if their service is spotty.PHONE INTERVIEW TIP 8 PULL UP YOUR RESUME AND LINKEDIN, positiv THE JOB DESCRIPTION ON YOUR LAPTOPWhy not? Unlike an in-person interview, you can have all those resources right in front of you to reference as you talk.PHONE INTERVIEW TIP 9 SLOW DOWNMost of us talk too fast when were in a stressfu l speaking situation. Thats especially true when you arent able to track the other persons visual cues. So, remind yourself to slow down. The Cut also recommends that you print out a photo for your interviewer beforehand to ease the discomfort of the faceless experience. (We havent tried this but it sounds savvy.)PHONE INTERVIEW TIP 10 PREPARE SOME QUESTIONS TO ASKAgain, these dont have to be too complicated since its a prescreen. But you might want to ask when theyre looking for someone to start or what the hiring process will be like, including next steps (if they dont provide you with this information).PHONE INTERVIEW TIP 11 WHEN YOU ANSWER, ANSWER PROFESSIONALLYYou should say, Hello, this is your full name. It makes it easy for them, but its also clear that youre ready and waiting (and therefore prepared) for the interview. Here are the ideal opening remarks that will clearly convey you knew this phone interview was comingYou Hello, this is Your Name.Them Hi, this is Their Name calling from Company.You Hi Their First Name, thank you again for taking the time to speak with me today.PHONE INTERVIEW TIP 12 LET THEM INTERRUPT YOUAgain, according to The Cut, theres an easy way to make sure youre giving them the right answers. If youve started to give a long answer and the interviewer tries to jump back in, then theres no point in trying to keep talking because theyre probably not paying attention Let them interrupt and see what they really want to get at, and maybe you can start that story again at a different point.PHONE INTERVIEW TIP 13 WRITE A FOLLOW-UP THANK YOU EMAILThe Interview Thank You Rule (thats an official term) is simple every time you speak to someone new at a company during the job interview process, you should thank them for their time. So write a thank-you email to the recruiter and send it within a few hours of your phone interview.PHONE INTERVIEW TIP 14 DONT BE AFRAID TO COMMUNICATE IF YOU NEED TO RESCHEDULEObviously, its not ideal to ask fo r a change of interview time, so this is the last resort. But if youre job searching, and it turns out that your boss wants you to attend a meeting during the pre-scheduled time, email the recruiter back. They understand that youre juggling your search and your work, and they dont want to make things uncomfortable for you.PHONE INTERVIEW TIP 15 ASK IF THEY HAVE MORE QUESTIONS FOR YOUThroughout the phone interview, you naturally answered and asked insightful questions. At the end of the phone call, your interviewer might ask you if you have any other questions. Respond in kind. Does the interview have any final questions for you? This lets the interviewer know that you are open to the challenge of more questions and that you are actively engaged in the interview process.Thisarticlefirst appeared onCareer Contessa.